Submission guidelines:
1. Please follow the following 8 (eight) guidelines in
the submission,
2. The contents of your paper must be of acceptable quality
and provide stimulating learning experiences to the audiences
3. Please email or fax your submission to Sumalai Maroonroge,
Ph.D, or fax 409-880-2265
4. Submission deadline: June 30, 2006
5. Paper notification: July 30,2006
6. Paper presentation: October 6 or October 7, 2006
TITLE (Title cannot exceed 12 words)
Please enter your title using title case as this will be printed on the
Convention program book
PRIMARY PRESENTER: (Main contact person for notification)
Biographical Sketch:
The biographical sketch must detail the author's qualifications to
present on a topic (use 50 words or less)
Biographical Sketch:
The biographical sketch must detail the author's qualifications to
present on a topic (use 50 words or less)
YOU MAY ADD ADDITIONAL PRESENTER(s), but please follow the above format
to provide information about the presenter
(Not to exceed 200 words to describe the essence of your presentation. The
abstract you submitted will be printed in the convention program book)
(Not to exceed 1000 words to describe your presentation in details, so the
committee will be able to evaluate your proposal
ABSTRACT TYPE: The abstracts will be divided into 3 sub-categories
as we have 3 separate concurrent sessions at the conference, each session
will be given 90 minutes.
Professional Education (medical, research, audiology, hearing devices
and technology related to hearing loss)
General Consumer Education (consumer information on managing our
hearing loss, self supported group, peer information/management strategies)
Vocational Rehabilitation (vocational trainings, school, university training
programs, workplace skills and legal issues). These sessions are only in available
on Saturday October 7, 2006.
LEARNER OUTCOME: Please list 3 things that you want your audiences
to learn after attending your session.
The audiences will be able to _________________________
The audiences will be able to_________________________
The audiences will be able to_________________________
PRESENTATION DAY REQUESTED: We will try our best to fill your request,
but we are unable to guarantee till all the paper are in for final consideration
(Friday afternoon and all day Saturday):
Day 1 (October 6,2006)
Day 2 (October 7, 2006)
Audio-Visual Equipment: All rooms will
contain the following:
1 podium microphone; pointer
Computer with PowerPoint, Word, Excel, and LCD projector
Switcher for use with personal laptop computers
Please note!
No Internet Access available
Slide projectors & overhead projectors are not available