Check this page frequently
to see what is happening in HLAA Region VII. If your state or chapter
is having an event that is out of the ordinary or has a broad range of
interest, let us know and it will be listed it on this page.
E mail listings or questions to:
Hearing Loss Association of America
“Hear Out West”
We can do it!
Odessa, Texas
October 6-7, 2006
Special Tours October 5th and 8th
Odessa's Cactus Jack wants to show you around!
We are pleased to announce the HLAA Region VII Conference
will be held in Odessa, Texas, October 6-7, 2006. Our
Region VII states are New Mexico, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma
and Texas. We are planning a great conference for all with dynamite
workshops and exhibits and tours. So mark your calendar now and
make plans to be there.
Hosted by HLAA Texas State Office.
Hotel Information
MCM Grande Hotel-FunDome!
Mention that you are with HLAA (SHHH)
Event Number is 25677
Now Online!
Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors
Call for Papers
Registration Information
Rocky and Tommie at the Australian Embassy in DC in 2004
Help "...make
hearing loss an issue of national concern."
Rocky Stone., Founder
HLAA is having an Inaugural Walk4Hearing in May, 2006 in 4 states
at 6 walk sites
Houston and Fort Worth chapters are hosting walks.
For information on all walks and to donate on line:
HLAA National Convention for 2006
Orlando, Florida!
2006 Convention Information
Be There!
Please Note!
The 2007 National Convention
will be held in
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
June 19-23, 2007
HLA-Oklahoma City Web Site
This will be the 4th state in Region VII to host a National Convention!