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DefBird enjoys quilting. She is hoping to have more time for this lovely occupation now that she has retired. This page will eventually have many features. Some of the first ones will be links to on-line quilt shops and other quilt web sites. Later there will be family blocks, favorite blocks and maybe a block of the month feature. Come back from time to time as this will take a while.
Mama's Family Album Quilt:
This quilt pattern is an old family pattern. We do not know it's origin. My aunt in Oklahoma City owned the original quilt made from this pattern by my grandmother. The quilt was about 70 years old and was being used till about 5 years ago. There have been several other family members make quilts from the pattern. I am currently making one for my older granddaughter.
I want very much to share this pattern
and some of my grandmother's history with you. If I can just figure out
how to draw the pattern with my Quilt Pro software, it will be a done deal!
Keep an eye on this spot. No telling when it will happen.
On-Line Quilt Shops
Mama J's: They have a mobile quilt shop. The owners will bring the quilt shop to you. They also go to various quilt shows. Take some time to browse their web site.
Keepsake Quilting: I have bought several patterns through the mail from this store. The service and merchandise has been good. They have a nice web site with some extras such as recipes and Ben's Page about their dog.
Joy's Fabrics and Quilts:This store specializes in hand dyed fabrics and T-shirts.
CD Designs:The Freezer Paper People. Your place for cool designs!
Ginger's Needleworks: Located in Louisiana. Lots of goodies here.
T-shirt Quilts: Have you got a bunch of t-shirts you don't wear anymore. If you just can't bear to throw them away, look here for an unusual way to preserve them and get some use from them, too.
Oklahoma Quiltworks: This is one of the largest quilt shops in Oklahoma. I have been there one time. I really liked it and plan to return next time I am in OK. Their web site is very nice.
Small Expressions: Free stuff here. Worth a visit.
Visit Cranston Village: This is more than just another quilt store. This is a whole village. This is one cool place.
Quilt Net: This site is mostly just links to other quilt sites, but, they have hundreds of links. It would take a month to look at them. Go take a gander, especially if you have some time or need something out of the ordinary.
Quiltaholics: This is a neat place. It is both funny and practical. It has lots of good stuff, including a quilting web ring to join.
Quilt Web Sites
Cats and Quilts: If you love
quilts or cats, this is the place for you. If you love both, this is as
near Heaven as you will get here on earth.
Quilt Design Software, etc.!
Creating with Quilt-Pro: I have this software in version 3. I am still trying to learn how to use it effectively. If any of you are using it, send me an e-mail. I would like to hear from some people who are making successful use of it.
I have visited their web site. It does have a lot of interesting things there.
Electric Quilt4.0: I have not tried this software nor do I know anyone who has. It seems to be quite popular, though.
The Oklahoma Quiltworks has an EQ user group that meets monthly. Also, Fran Gonzales has written a users' manual for EQ 4 called EQ 4 Simplified that seems to be very helpful. The book is available at many quilt stores.
The EQ web site seems to be full of all kinds of nice surprises, including a mystery quilt (EQuinox) that provides a "real mystery." Check this out!
Quilts on PBS
America Quilts:This is a companion web site to the documentary on American quilts that was shown in August, 1999. It featured interviews with award winning quilters and quilt shows in Houston and Paducah. There are many things of interest here and also links to other PBS sites. It is worth a visit.
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Starting small, but, like kittens
and quilts and flowers, the page will grow.
Do come back from time to time
to see what has been added.
I hope you have enjoyed your
visit. Suggestions and comments welcomed.
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